Most investors today prefer using direct platforms for their investments. This is challenging for MFDs who lose investors due to frequent redemptions, which makes it harder for MFDs to keep a stable and growing client base.
Wealth Elite, a Mutual fund software for distributors, offers an array of features that help MFDs attract and retain more clients.
One innovative feature is the "Online ATM" which caters to individuals who have just started earning. They can park their money in liquid funds, and access it anytime with high liquidity and earn better returns than a regular savings account.MFDs can attract beginners by promoting the benefits of the Online ATM. This feature helps new investors keep their money accessible while earning better returns. Over time, these investors can be nurtured into potential long-term clients.
Another valuable feature is the ability to share promotional images for festivals and special occasions. MFDs can use these images to connect with clients on social media or directly, at no extra cost. This aids in building their brand and attracting more investors.
Investors often go direct-to-consumer (D2C) for IPOs, bypassing MFDs. However, mutual fund software allows MFDs to offer IPOs under their own code. This not only attracts new investors but also helps retain existing ones who might otherwise seek other channels. Here are a few benefits of Offering IPOs:
Mutual fund software, like Wealth Elite, empowers MFDs to attract more clients with ease and minimal manual effort with tools and features like Online ATM, promotional images, IPOs, and more, all while addressing the needs of investors.